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One Vision

Changing intolerance through educational entertainment.

One Voice

Creating joy and peace for all, while celebrating diversity.

One Truth

Sharing transparent unfiltered history without malice or agenda.

History Matters

“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Legacy Park

Who says History is boring? Come visit history in motion. Legacy Park Palmdale, where you can touch the past!

We are driven by values

“Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.” -Walt Disney

“In all my work, what I try to say is that as human beings we are more alike than we are unalike.”

Maya Angelou, American Poet

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we SEEK”

Barak Obama, Former President, USA

“The only way you really see change is by helping create it.”

Lena Waithe, American Writer

Our Truth, Our History, Our Story

Explore the past without the shackles of human bias and untruths. You will never see History more clearly. The Truth is so much fun, edutainment is not just a Story, but it is OUR story.